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Kerala Cashew Nuts (W210)

Sourcing and Processing Details: We are sourcing best quality cashews from the marginal and small farmers of northern districts of Kerala where you can see only small scale cashews farming in enter the state. Cashew farming in the state is decreasing day by day as there is no scope for commercialization and people fast shifting to other cash crops. Kerala cashews are considered as the best quality in the world, as these cashew trees are growing in the most favorable climatic and soil conditions here. But unfortunately most of the cashews sold in the country as Kerala cashews are imported from Africa and Latin America to meet growing demand. Nowadays cashews from Kerala are less than 1% of the total production in the state. Our cashews sourced from Kerala are processed very traditionally by our women SHG group in Kasargod district and packed under most hygienic and safety conditions. Another important point is that our cashews are strictly grown as organic and no pesticide or chemical manures are being used in cashew trees by these small and marginal farmers. Nowadays we can see no cashew plantations in Kerala except small fragmented farms. Each farm land holds one or two cashew tress growing organically and there is no scope for commercial production, so usage of pesticides and chemicals are absolutely nullified. We assure best quality of cashews under our brand ‘ looms & weaves ’.

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We Offer Ethically Sourced, Organic, Natural & Handcrafted Products